Lent, Palm Sunday Hosanna to the Lord’s Right Hand April 5, 2020 Bible Text: Psalm 138 | Preacher: Joe Naumann | Series: Lent, Palm Sunday Video Bulletin
Lent Zechariah’s Passion Prophecies Fulfilled! April 1, 2020 Bible Text: Zechariah 12:10 | Preacher: George Dummann | Series: Lent | Pierced! Video Bulletin
Lent Glad to be sent home by Jesus! March 29, 2020 Bible Text: Matthew 10:32-39 | Preacher: Neal Radichel | Series: Lent Video Bulletin
Lent Zechariah’s Passion Prophecies Fulfilled! March 25, 2020 Bible Text: Zechariah 6:12-13 | Preacher: Nathanael Mayhew | Series: Lent | Temple Builder Video Bulletin
Lent A Look Inside Jehovah’s War Room March 22, 2020 Bible Text: Isaiah 49:7-13 | Preacher: Joe Naumann | Series: Lent | A LOOK INSIDE JEHOVAH'S WAR ROOM 1. Where the Rescue Plan of Salvation Is in Motion 2. Resulting… Video Bulletin