15th Sunday in Trinity

September 25, 2022
The Doctrine of Vocation You are a Citizen of God's Holy Nation You are an Alien in the World You are to be Noticed by the World

13th Sunday in Trinity

September 11, 2022
The Gospel is the Greatest Aspect of God's Glory As Revealed in the Vision of the Prophet Isaiah As Revealed in the Supper of the Savior Jesus

10th Sunday in Trinity

August 21, 2022
God's People Confess Their Sins As an Act of Humility As an Act of Confidence As an Act of Rededication

8th Sunday in Trinity

August 5, 2022
A Lesson in Church Management The Responsibilities of Leadership The Expectations of the Flock The Danger of the Enemy The Strength of Our Savior

5th Sunday in Trinity

July 17, 2022
The Lord Keeps His Promises The Lord Promised Freedom from Babylon The Lord Promised Freedom from Sin