Weekend Worship Services
Come visit us
421 North Second Street
Mankato, MN 56001
Sunday 10:00 AM
Saturday 6:00 PM
If you’d like to learn more, please contact the secretary or the pastors below

Sunday school
Sunday School is offered from Preschool (Age 3) to 8th grade before the service on Sundays. The students will meet in the regular school classrooms.
Sunday School is offered from Preschool (Age 3) to 2nd grade after the service on Saturdays in the Kindergarten room.
For more information please contact the Sunday School Superintendent.

Immanuel Ambassadors
Immanuel Ambassadors is a youth group for ages high school through college. They meet Sunday mornings at 8:15am in the 7 & 8th grade classroom. There are several events throughout the year and an annual winter camp at Whitewater State Park, MN. The Ambassadors is a group that gathers for Christian fellowship, growth in God’s Word, and fun!
For more information please contact the Ambassador Directors, Matt or Julie Busch.

Bible Class
Bible class is offered before the service on Sunday (9:00am) and after the service on Saturday (7:00pm). All are welcome to come and ask questions, learn about Scripture, and participate in this study of the Word.
For more information please contact Pastor Naumann or Pastor Mayhew.