Twin Steeples
Searching for the ‘good life’?
February 21, 2021
Learn the fear of the LordLove the Lord's focus, on you
Preacher :
Neal Radichel
Psalm 34:11-22
Who is the Real Jesus?
February 14, 2021
The ChristThe SacrificeThe WordThe Leader
Preacher :
Joe Naumann
Mark 8:27-38
Jesus Remains THE Refuge of the Weary
February 7, 2021
From the arrogance of enemiesFrom the oppression of elementsFrom the pressures of eternity
Preacher :
Neal Radichel
Isaiah 25:1-5
What One Speaks Reveals What One Seeks
January 31, 2021
The plot of man was in stonesThe will of God was in the cross
Preacher :
Neal Radichel
John 7:14-24
Christian Hope is Alive
January 24, 2021
It is Born of the Spirit and the WordIt Renews the Mind and the BodyIt Rests on the Person and the Work of Jesus
Preacher :
Joe Naumann
1 Peter 1:10-21
The Word is Near You
January 17, 2021
In Your Heart In Your Mouth
Preacher :
Neal Radichel
Romans 10:1-12
Jesus is the Bread of Life
January 10, 2021
Only believers can receive itOnly God can give itOnly It guarantees eternal life
Preacher :
Drew Naumann
John 6:36-51
A Prayer for Restoration
January 3, 2021
The Restoration of God's Supremacy The Restoration of God's People
Preacher :
Joe Naumann
Micah 7:14-20
Paul Teaches the Difference between Fables and Facts
December 27, 2020
For Boldness in This LifeFor Confidence in the Next Life
Preacher :
Joe Naumann
2 Timothy 4:3-8
Rejoice in your Calling this Christmas!
December 20, 2020
Because the world calls us 'morons'Because Christ calls you His chosen ones
Preacher :
Neal Radichel
1 Corinthians 1:26-29, 30-31
Weekly Update 1/15/21
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Jan. 18 Chicken Alfredo Tuesday, Jan. 19 Meatball sub Wednesday, Jan. 20 French toast…
Weekly Update 1/8/21
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Jan. 11 Stroganoff Tuesday, Jan. 12 Nachos Wednesday, Jan. 13 Waffles with toppings, sausages…
Weekly Update 11/20/20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Nov. 23 No School Tuesday, Nov. 24 No School Wednesday, Nov. 25 No School…
Weekly Update 11/13/20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Nov. 16 Beef & rice casserole Tuesday, Nov. 17 Hamburgers Wednesday, Nov. 18 Chicken…
Weekly Update 11-06-20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Nov. 9 Chicken fries Tuesday, Nov. 10 Bosco sticks Wednesday, Nov. 11 Egg &…
Weekly Update 10-29-20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Nov. 2 Chicken Alfredo Tuesday, Nov. 3 Bosco sticks Wednesday, Nov. 4 Waffle sticks…
Weekly Update 10-23-20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Oct. 26 Hot dog & mac and cheese Tuesday, Oct. 27 Meatballs, mashed potatoes…
Weekly Update 10-16-20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Oct. 19 Pizza hotdish Tuesday, Oct. 20 Nachos Wednesday, Oct. 21 No School Thursday,…
Weekly Update 10-09-20
Menu All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Monday, Oct. 12 Ravioli in meat sauce Tuesday, Oct. 13 Chicken Teriyaki and rice Wednesday,…