Twin Steeples


The Baptist Reveals the Christ The Prophet Reveals the Law The Only-Begotten Reveals Grace and Truth

Advent is Time to Wake Up

December 5, 2021
Now is the time to put away the works of night Now is the time to anticipate the eternal day Now is the time to walk properly, as in the…

A Glimpse of Heaven to Behold!

November 21, 2021
Behold, Glory. Behold, your God!
The UNclean are UNwelcome The Redeemed are Rewarded
Affirmations of the Antichrist His Description (v3-4) He must appear before the Day of Christ’s return.  He is not one man, but one position.  He is in God’s temple, but…

What you CAN'T take with you What you CAN take with you
His grace gives great gifts His promise prompts purposeful prayer

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Weekly Update 3/27/2024

Menu*All meals come with fruit, vegetable, and milk. Tuesday, Apr 2Ravioli Wednesday, Apr 3Chicken patty sandwich Thursday, Apr 4French toast sticks Friday, Apr 5Mini corn dogs No SchoolThere will be…