Twin Steeples


Resurrection Sunday

April 17, 2022
Meditating on the Lord's Kingdom Meditating on the Lord's Power Meditating on the Lord's Glory Meditating on the Lord's Forever Meditating on the Lord's Amen
He Came in Humility To Establish His Kingdom

God is in the Details

April 3, 2022
Ignoring God's details results in death Observing God's details results in atonement Believing in God's details results in deliverance
He was BORN: to bring death to Death He is ALIVE: to bring triumph over temptation
As Heard and Seen in the Life of Paul As You Practice These Things in Your Own Life
Human Life Produces Big Questions: Where did everything come from? Who am I? How Should I Live? God's Word Provides Big Answers: The Triune God His Offspring In Him  
A Scared Skeptic A Timid Defender A Bold Confessor


February 27, 2022
Two 'Great Heaps' Teaching Contentment in the Valley of Trouble Heap 1: When Coveting broke a Covenant (Joshua 7) Heap 2: When Sacrifice brought Satisfaction (Joshua 8)


February 20, 2022
Jesus Gives an Accurate Appraisal Of the value of Money Of the value of Social Status Of the Value of Salvation


February 13, 2022
Jesus Cares for our Everyday Concerns  
1 2 3 11 12 13 14 15 30 31 32


Weekly Update 4/12/24

Menu*All meals come with fruit, vegetable, and milk. Monday, Apr 15Spaghetti & meatballs Tuesday, Apr 16Hard shell tacos Wednesday, Apr 17Chili Thursday, Apr 18Waffles Friday, Apr 19Pulled pork sandwich Early…