Church Staff

Joseph Naumann
Pastor Joe Naumann is a fifth generation pastor who grew up in Alaska and Wisconsin. He was baptized at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Detroit Lakes, MN and was confirmed at Luther Memorial Church in Fond du Lac, WI. He attended high school at Immanuel Lutheran High School in Eau Claire, graduating in 2008.
In 2013, he graduated from Immanuel Lutheran College with an Associate of Arts Degree in Pre-Theological. In 2014, he vicared at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Saginaw, MI. In 2015, he vicared at Berea Lutheran Church in Inver Grove Heights, MN. In 2016, he graduated from Immanuel Lutheran Seminary and was called to serve as Pastor at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mankato, MN.
He serves as vice-president of the Church of the Lutheran Confession.
Pastor Naumann married Rachel Sydow in 2014. He and Rachel have been blessed with four children: Eleanor, Olivia, Samson, and Adelaide.

Nathanael Mayhew
Nathanael Mayhew graduated from Immanuel Lutheran College (Eau Claire, Wisconsin) in May, 1998 with an Associate of Arts Degree in Pre-Theology. In 2001 he graduated from Immanuel Lutheran Seminary in Eau Claire.
In 2002 he accepted the call to serve Zion Ev. Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA where he served for almost 12 years. In July 2014, he accepted the call to serve Grace Ev. Lutheran Church in Sleepy Eye, and Faith Lutheran Church in New Ulm, serving them for 10 years. In May 2024, he was installed as pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
He has served as a part-time missionary to East Africa and on the CLC Board of Missions.
Pastor Mayhew and his wife Debra have seven children: Luke, Katherine, Hope, Daniel, Julia, Mark, and Noah.

Hilary Lien
Church secretary
Hilary Lien joined the staff in 2018. Before this she had been serving her family as a stay at home mom. Hilary was a graduate of Cannon Valley Lutheran High School, and attended Bethany Lutheran College were she pursued a history and teaching degree before marrying her husband in 2012. In addition to history, Hilary is passionate about getting outdoors and making music for the LORD!
School Staff

Brandan Heinze
Principal Heinze joined the staff of Immanuel in 2017. A 2004 alumnus of Immanuel, he graduated Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2008 with a degree in Mathematics Education. He taught 7-12 mathematics for seven years at Comfrey Public School before teaching college math and statisitics courses at Minnesota State University, Mankato for two years. He earned a Master of Science degree in Mathematics and Statistics from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2018. Mr. Heinze has been at Immanuel since 2017 and has been principal since 2019.

Beth Greve
Mrs. Greve joined the Immanuel staff in 2013. She graduated from Ripon College in Ripon, WI, with a major in German Education and a minor in English Education. She taught middle school English for five years in Page, AZ, before teaching ninth grade English for four years in Phoenix, AZ. Currently, Mrs. Greve teaches English 7-10, English 11-12 (British and American Literature), and German 1 and 2. She is also in charge of Immanuel’s annual yearbook.

Benjamin Hanel
Benjamin Hanel graduated high school in 2001 from Immanuel Lutheran School, Mankato. After that, he served eight years Active Duty Air Force as a Mechanic and Technician. Two of those years were spent writing and conducting a training curriculum for new Airmen to be integrated into their new career fields. He graduated from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ with a BA in History. He has a passion for history and seeks to show students the impact it has on their everyday life and how God’s hand is visible throughout history. Mr. Hanel organizes the annual junior class trip to Washington, D.C. He teaches high school history, geography, social studies, and computer.

Julie Busch
Julie Busch has been teaching at Immanuel since 2011. She currently teaches 7th and 8th grade math, science, art, and health and 9th and 10th grade Algebra 2 and geometry. Prior to this, she taught junior high math at Waseca Junior High School. She has also coached swimming, volleyball, and basketball in the Mankato community. Mrs. Busch is an alumnus of Immanuel Lutheran School. She received her BS in Teaching Mathematics from MSU in 2000 with a minor in athletic coaching. Mrs. Busch has been active in the school’s athletic program. She served as an Athletic Director from 2008-2012, has coached volleyball and basketball, and served as a director for the Christian Athletic League tournament that was held annually at Immanuel. Mrs. Busch’s prayer is that students at Immanuel not only grow in their knowledge of academics but that they grow in their love and knowledge of Christ as their Savior.

Kevin Schrader
Kevin Schrader has taught high school Spanish, math, and science at Immanuel since 2021. He graduated in 2018 from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics. He spent three years as an engineer for National Instruments in Austin, TX, before accepting the call to teach and moving to Mankato. Currently, Kevin teaches Spanish I & II, Physics, Chemistry, Precalculus, Biology, and Physical Science. He hopes to inspire students to see the hand of our God throughout His creation.

Erika Hart
Erika Hart was called to teach Kindergarten in 2021. She graduated from St. John Fischer College with honors, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in childhood education and special education. She went on to receive her licensure and teach at a Christian school in Virginia, where Erika taught first and sixth grade. As a dimension of the foundation for lifelong learning, Erika is a strong advocate of improving children’s early literacy development.

Michael Wheaton
Michael Wheaton was called to teach Grades 1 & 2 at Immanuel in 1997. Prior to this, Mr. Wheaton taught in the Mankato and Owatonna Public School Systems. He also was the assistant coach for the Owatonna H.S. Varsity Girls’ Gymnastics team from 1995-97. Mr. Wheaton has been a lifelong member of Immanuel – Mankato, and is an alumnus of the Elementary and High School Programs. He graduated from Immanuel High School in 1990. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and a Minor in Mathematics from Mankato State University in 1995. Mr. Wheaton has been very active with our High School Drama Club. He served as director from 1999-2003 and producer from 2003-2023.

Lane Fischer
Lane Fischer’s primary teaching responsibilities include teaching Grades 3 & 4, Music 7/8, and High School Music Appreciation. Mr. Fischer also directs ILHS Choir and the handbell choirs. Mr. Fischer is an alumnus of Immanuel Lutheran High School. He received two BS degrees–both in Elementary Education–one from Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire, WI, and a second from MSU Mankato. In addition, Mr. Fischer has his MS in Curriculum and Instruction from MSU Mankato.

Stephanie Roettger
Stephanie Roettger was called to teach 5th and 6th grade in 2021. She graduated with a degree in Elementary Education from Minnesota State University in Mankato in 2014, and is licensed to teach K-6. Stephanie is a graduate of Immanuel Lutheran School, and has continued to be involved in both the church and school. She taught Kindergarten at Immanuel from 2015-2021, and also served as the director for our high school Drama Club from 2012-2022. Stephanie’s desire is that the students of Immanuel will grow each day not only in knowledge, but in love and faithfulness for God.

Holly Pringle
teacher's aide
Holly Pringle serves as the K-2 Teachers’ Aide. She also teaches Art class in the grade school. Holly would describe herself as an introvert who loves to spend her evenings at home. She also loves movies, art, and animals so talk to her about these anytime!

Bob Heller
teachers' aide
Bob Heller currently serves as a classroom aide in the 5th/6th grade classroom. As a retired educator, he has graduated with degrees in Sociology, Elementary Education, School Counseling, Educational Administration, and Special Education from several Minnesota and Iowa universities. Bob also uses his deep music and theater background to develop the communication skills, interpersonal skills, and confidence in students that will not only help them succeed in life, but, more importantly, assist them in doing their part to fulfill the Great Commission.

Amanda Harris
school Secretary
Amanda Harris is a 1991 graduate of Immanuel Lutheran School. She previously taught elementary Phy. Ed. for 11 years and served as the elementary athletic director. She is currently the school secretary.

Marie Casto
Athletic Director
Marie Casto is an alumnus of Immanuel Lutheran School. She supports the school and the sports program in many ways and served as school secretary for a number of years.

Deb Owens
Band Director, 5-12
Deb Owens is an alumnus of Immanuel Lutheran School. She is a past percussion instructor for Mankato “77Lancers” and has a Bachelor’s degree in music from Mankato State University.
Helena Stevens
Career and Guidance Counselor
Helena Stevens is a district counselor for ISD77. She currently is an Associate Professor for Clinical Mental Health Counseling in the Graduate Programs department at Bethany.