*All meals come with fruit, vegetable, and milk.
Monday, Feb 10
Teriyaki Chicken
Tuesday, Feb 11
Chicken Patty Sandwich
Wednesday, Feb 12
Roast Beef & Cheese Sandwich
Thursday, Feb 13
Chicken Nuggets
Friday, Feb 14
Walking Taco
Early Release
There will be a regularly scheduled early release on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Students should ride the bus home or get picked up at 1:00pm.
Kwik Trip Scrip
Kwik Trip scrip cards are available to purchase in the school office. Proceeds go to ILS Athletics.
Geography Bee
The Geography Bee will take place on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 1:45pm in the church basement. The finalists are: Nyamuoch Tut, Esther Enter, Amelia Kruse, Ryan Streeter, Blessing Opoku, Bentley Hagen, Titus Hart, Julian Alvarez, Noah Mayhew, Audrey Hart, Lukas Alvarez, Nathaniel Hart.
Eau Claire Tournament Hotel
Here is the hotel group booking link for March 14-16. Rooms will be held until Feb 28 and then released if not reserved.
ILS Athletics
Show your support for ILS Athletics. Game dates and times can be found here:
Red Cross Blood Drive
The ILHS Senior Class is hosting a blood drive at Immanuel on Friday, March 14, from 11:00am – 4:00pm. Visit and enter the Mankato zip code (56001) to find our blood drive and give the gift of life to those who need it! Thank you for your support.
Spirit Week
ILS will be celebrating School Spirit Week February 17-21, 2025. All grades are welcome to participate in the dress up days to celebrate our school spirit. Students in grades 9-12 will be participating in a couple of day long games. A pep rally will take place Thursday, February 20 at 2:30 pm.
Dress Up Days/Game Days
Monday- Pink, White, and Red Day/ Hush Day
Tuesday-BBQ Dads vs Soccer Moms
Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday
Thursday- Blue and White Day/ Capture the Beads (pep rally)
Friday- Hawaiian Day