All meals include a fruit, vegetable, and milk. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is available in place of a main course.
Monday, Feb. 28
Corn Dog
Tuesday, Mar. 1
BBQ rib sandwich
Wednesday, Mar. 2
Cheese pizza
No School
There will be no school on Thursday, Mar. 3 and Friday, Mar. 4, as we host the CAL tournament.
Sunday School
The Sunday School lesson for this weekend is the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man. Children ages 3 through 6th grade are encouraged to attend on Saturdays at 7:00pm, or ages 3 through high school on Sundays at 9:00am.
Red Cross Blood drive
The Senior Class is hosting a Blood Drive on March 11th from 11am – 4pm in the gym. To schedule a time please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter ImmanuelELC.
Science Fair
The 3rd-6th grade Science Fair will take place on Friday, Feb. 25. The students’ projects will be displayed in the church basement throughout the weekend. Feel free to look them over after church.
Kwik Trip Scrip Cards
Please help support ILS Athletics by purchasing Kwik Trip scrip cards in the school office. $50, $20, $10, and $5 denominations are available.
ILS Athletic Calendar
Come watch our athletes and support ILS Athletics. Check out game times at
Eau Claire Tournament Hotel Info
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hampton Inn (2622 Craig Rd, Eau Claire) All rooms are double queen rooms.
Each family is responsible for reserving and paying for their own room by March 1 if they are planning on staying there.
Group Code : IMB
Dates: March 11, March 12, 2022
Rate is $119 plus 13.5% tax per night
To reserve, call the hotel directly at 715-833-0003. Please stay on the line do not press prompts then the phone rings to the hotel.
Asbestos Notification
Our school has been inspected or has been re-inspected for asbestos materials according to the requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Response Act.
Our school building does have some asbestos containing materials, as do most schools in the country. This material is in good condition, and we have an asbestos management plan in place to help maintain it and keep it from becoming a hazard to health. We do regular six-month surveillance of this material to ensure that it is staying in stable condition.
By law, we must notify staff and parents each year of the availability of this plan. The plan is available for you to see by contacting either the school secretary or Kyle Hulke.
Sincerely, Kyle E. Hulke
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education is one of the biggest fundraisers for PTO. Since converting from clipping box tops to the mobile app that scans receipts, our income from Box Tops for Education has significantly decreased. PTO would like to encourage all of you to download the Box Tops append scan your receipts. Immanuel’s earnings are updated online! If you do not want to download the app, you are highly encouraged to turn your receipts into the Box Tops bin by the church basement doors and a member of PTO will scan them for you. Receipts must be less than 14 days old. Immanuel’s lifetime school earnings are $7957. Let’s keep that number growing!
Here is the link for Box Tops for Education:
Arts Camp
Save the date! Arts Camp for grades 5-8 is back this year on March 25-27. Watch for more information and a link to register.
ILS Senior Night at Pizza Ranch
Monday, March 7 from 4:30-9:00pm
Please come out and enjoy some pizza and help support the ILS Class of 2022 with their trip to Florida in April.
Coach Gifts
As the sports season ends, you may donate toward a coach gift for both fall and winter sports. Please leave your donation in the school office with Mrs. Harris by Monday, Feb. 28.
5-8 Soccer: Mrs. Hilary Lien
5-7 Volleyball: Mrs. Gwen Busse & Mrs. Laura Heinze
4-7 Girls Basketball: Mr. Bennett Olmanson
5-6 Boys Basketball: Mr. Rick Mariner
7-8 Boys Basketball: Mr. Eric Libby
CAL Basketball Tournament
Our annual high school Christian Athletic League (CAL) Basketball Tournament is coming up March 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Information about the basketball tournament (i.e., game locations, game times, etc.) can be found online at:
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to help monitor halls, help clean up, and work in the concession stand (We do ask that all students 8th grade and under who wish to work in the concession stand sign up with a parent/guardian). Also, monetary donations toward boneless, skinless chicken breast are appreciated. Sign-up sheets for volunteers and donations will be available in the school office. Please contact Amanda Harris at 345-3027 or to sign up. Sign-up sheets will also be available after church on Saturday and Sunday, February 26/27.
Tournament Passes
Tournament passes (wristbands) will be distributed to members of Immanuel congregation at no charge to show our appreciation for your support of our athletic program. Non-member volunteers will also receive complimentary passes. Passes must be picked up after church on the dates listed above or in the school office through Wednesday, March 2nd. Spectators and volunteers must present a pass or pay the $8.00 admission fee. Children ages 12 and under receive free admission and do not need a pass.
Concessions Tabs
All families that have a concessions tab from the basketball season are asked to pay off their tab before the start of the CAL Tournament. Please contact the school office (345-3027) to pay off your tab.
If you have any questions concerning the CAL Tournament, please contact Julie Busch 345-3027 or 507-720-4532.
Immanuel Athletes & Parents
All Immanuel high school athletes are asked to volunteer for at least one shift each day (Thursday and Friday) of the tournament. Parents of athletes are also asked to volunteer at least one shift each day of the tournament. You may sign up after church services or by contacting the school office during the week (345-3027). Non-member volunteers will receive complimentary passes to the tournament.
All High School parents are also asked to bring baked goods (uncut if bars, bread, etc.) to be sold at the CAL Tournament. Please bring baked items to the church kitchen no later than the morning of Thursday, March 3rd.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Busch at
Supervision of Students at the CAL Tournament
All students, 8th grade and under, need to be supervised by an adult during the upcoming CAL Basketball Tournament (March 3-5). Students not under the direct supervision of an adult will be asked to leave the facility.