Weekly Update 2/4/22


All meals include a fruit, vegetable, and milk. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is available in place of a main course.

Monday, Feb. 7

Turkey sandwich

Tuesday, Feb. 8

Chicken tacos

Wednesday, Feb. 9

Waffle sticks

Thursday, Feb. 10

Fish sticks

Friday, Feb. 11

BBQ chicken sandwich

High School Choir Sings

The high school choir will sing during the 10:00am service on Sunday, Feb. 13.

Kwik Trip Scrip Cards
Please help support ILS Athletics by purchasing Kwik Trip scrip cards in the school office. $50, $20, $10, and $5 denominations are available.

ILS Athletic Calendar

Come watch our athletes and support ILS Athletics. Check out game times at https://www.immanuelmankato.org/school/ils-calendar/

Grade School Basketball Pictures

Grade school basketball pictures will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 3:15pm in the gym. Players should wear their blue uniform.

Order forms were given to players on Friday, Feb. 4.

Eau Claire Tournament Hotel Info

 A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hampton Inn (2622 Craig Rd, Eau Claire) All rooms are double queen rooms.
Each family is responsible for reserving and paying for their own room by March 1 if they are planning on staying at the hotel.
Group Code : IMB
Dates: March 11, March 12, 2022
Rate is $119 plus 13.5% tax per night
To reserve please call the hotel directly at 715-833-0003. Please stay on the line do not press prompts then the phone rings to the hotel.

Red Cross Blood drive

The Senior Class is hosting a Blood Drive on March 11th from 11am – 4pm in the gym. To schedule a time please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter ImmanuelELC.

Sunday School

The Sunday School lesson for this weekend is the story of Job. Children ages 3 through 6th grade are encouraged to attend on Saturdays at 7:00pm, or ages 3 through high school on Sundays at 9:00am.

Message From The Athletic Director

Fans: Please be sure your children are not running in the halls, in the elevator, behind the bleachers, or in the basement during games. The Site Manager will bring them back to you if they are in any of these areas. We are looking out for their safety, as well as the safety of everyone who attends the games. Thank you!

Friday, Feb. 4 Games

Come support Trojan boys’ basketball tonight!

5:45 Boys JV vs. Cleveland
7:00 PM Boys Varsity vs. Cleveland

Dress in your Immanuel gear and let’s BLUE out the stands!!

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