Weekly Update 3/13/25

*All meals come with fruit, vegetable, and milk.

Monday, Mar 17

Tuesday, Mar 18

Wednesday, Mar 19

Thursday, Mar 20
French Bread Pizza

Friday, Mar 21
Ham & Cheese Hot Pocket

Kwik Trip Scrip
Kwik Trip scrip cards are available to purchase in the school office. Proceeds go to ILS Athletics.

Winter Awards
The high school basketball awards night will be Monday, March 17 at 7:00pm in the church basement. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Red Cross Blood Drive
The ILHS Senior Class is hosting a blood drive at Immanuel on Friday, March 14, from 11:00am – 4:00pm. Visit redcrossblood.org and enter the Mankato zip code (56001) to find our blood drive and give the gift of life to those who need it! Thank you for your support.

CLC Youth Camp
CLC Youth Camp at Pillager 2025
Camp registration opens Saturday March 15th at 10am CST. CLC Youth Camp at Pillager, June 8-14, is for campers entering grades 6th-12th. For more information please visit our website, https://youthcampclc.wixsite.com/camp, or contact Amber Casto and Ethan Sydow at youthcamp.clc@gmail.com.

No School
There will be no school on Friday Mar. 14.

Congratulations to our girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball teams!

The girls finished 4th in the Tier 1 tournament Feb 27 – March 1.

Named to the All-Tournament Team: Rebecca Heinze

Named to the All-Conference Team: Cloe Busse, Jordyn Mariner, Rebecca Heinze

The boys finished in 3rd place in the Tier 2 tournament March 6-8.

Named to the All-Tournament Team: Cade Libby & Kaden Kruse

Named to the All-Conference Team: Cade Libby

Alumni Day
Alumni Day is scheduled for March 29. Please see the schedule of events and join us for a day of basketball and fellowship. Student Council will be running a concession stand to help support their yearly activities.

If you are interested in signing up for the 3 v 3 tournament please use the following link: https://forms.gle/Y3vc8hy9781ik5qS9. 3v3 Tournament signup ends on March 21 at 3 pm.

Game Schedule
8:00 am 5-6 Girls vs Parents
9:00 am 5-6 Boys vs Parents
10:00 am 7-8 Girls vs Parents
11:00 am 7-8 Boys vs Parents
12:00 pm JV Boys vs. Alumni (pre-2020) Basketball
1:00 pm V Girls vs. Alumni Basketball
2:00 pm V Boys vs. Alumni Basketball
3:00 pm Alumni 3 v 3 tournament (instead of Odd vs Even Game, space will be limited to 10 teams of 5 players, see signup form for more details)
6:00 pm Church service

Asbestos Notification
Our school has been inspected or has been re-inspected for asbestos materials according to the requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Response Act.

Our school building does have some asbestos containing materials, as do most schools in the country. This material is in good condition and we have an asbestos management plan in place to help maintain it and keep it from becoming a hazard to health. We do regular six-month surveillance of this material to ensure that it is staying in stable condition.

By law, we must notify staff and parents each year of the availability of this plan. The plan is available for you to see by contacting either the school secretary or Kyle Hulke.

 Sincerely, Kyle E. Hulke

Regional Spelling Bee
Immanuel 6th grader, Judah Opoku tied for 6th place in the Regional Spelling Bee. There were 26 participants.

Eau Claire Tournament
This year’s winner of the 2025 CLC Grade School
Tournament T-Shirt Design Contest is Holly Heinze, a 5th grader from
Immanuel in Mankato, Minnesota. 

Congratulations, Holly!

The game schedule can be found at https://tinyurl.com/GradeschoolTourney.

If you would like to watch the three Immanuel teams play this weekend, please visit https://www.youtube.com/@ilcvideos/streams

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