All meals include a fruit, vegetable, milk and optional peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Monday, Jan. 18
Chicken Alfredo
Tuesday, Jan. 19
Meatball sub
Wednesday, Jan. 20
French toast sticks
Thursday, Jan. 21
BBQ Rib sandwich
Friday, Jan. 22
Cold ham & cheese sandwich
Busing Information
District busing will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 19.
Kwik Trip Scrip Cards
ILS Athletics is selling Kwik Trip scrip cards as a fundraiser to offset the cost of busing and hiring officials, without having the income of admissions and concessions.
Please contact Mrs. Harris in the school office to purchase scrip cards. They come in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $25, and $50. Thank you for your continued support!
Additional School Days
Please note the change to the school calendar. The following days that were previously “off,” will now be school days: Jan.22, Apr. 7, 8, and 9.